The language and dialogue associated with learning guitar. The words strings, fingers, and frets are used often.
Playing the G Major Chord. The first finger has proper notes on the first fret of second string and second frets of strings 3 and 4.
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Playing the D Major Chord. The pinkie can play the 3rd fret on the 1st string, also. Lift your second finger to expose the open first string, another proper note.
Playing a Chord Progression from D to C to G. Timing and maintaining the rhythm is important. Thinking ahead is good practice. The notes are placed one at a time - start at the lower strings (3rd finger for C and G chord for example).
Playing the C Major Chord. The pinkie is free to play melody notes on the 3rd fret on strings 1 and 2. The second finger can play the second fret of string 3.
Playing the Major Scale. Key reference and staying in position are important while playing scales.